Shut Up, Eskimos

eskimos like to be called inuits. no one really knows that because eskimos aren't really mad enough about it to do anything...other than make you feel like a bigot if you call them one. as long as there are eskimo pies, you are eskimos. no one who is really mad about a racial slur allows it to be used in the name of a snacky treat. everyone can relate to a word inexplicably making you angry if for no other reason than being called it over and over. like when hawaiians call white folks 'howlie'. after a while, you're like "stop calling me howlie!". but if they had howlie pie, no one would be that mad. you have to have horrible atrocities attached to the slur to make it count. like slavery, or the holocaust. until then, zip it ice weirdos. that goes for you too, midgets. why would you want to be called 'little people'? that sounds so plain. howlie, cracker, eskimo, and midget are all on the same level of offensiveness. granted, the tossing was bad, but the seven dwarves and the wizard of oz made up for that. if you'd rather be called 'human ponies', i'm listening.