Less Fortunate Jerks

i was at a comedy show in a crappy bar once, and a girl was on stage telling some jokes when two older blind fellows approached the stage, canes in hand, and started heckling her. they said the typical, "take it off" and what have you, and no one said anything. one - what did they expect to see if she did take it off? and two - why is that okay? "oh, they're blind. let them be." it's okay to be a jerk if life hasn't been so kind to you? "his dad beat him ...she doesn't have an arm ...most of his skin was burned off." that doesn't make it acceptable for you to act like an ass. if i had stopped the two blind fellas (i didn't because i thought a comedian should be able to handle blind hecklers ...and i thought they might hit me with their canes) i would have been the jerk. "look at him yelling at blind people. let them rape her for god's sake." when i was in high school, there was this challenged individual in my gym class. everyone was cool to him. there was no harassing, and it was surprisingly civil considering the nature of kids. oddly, he wasn't the coolest dude ever though. when we played baseball, if he was tagged out (as he often was) he would sometimes grab your arm and dig all three of his fingernails into it. or kick you in the shins - which was equally pleasant. now, in his defense, maybe genetically during the gene splicing some of the rna got a little lazy and rendered the decision making part of his brain a little huffy. so he's genetically incapable of being a good sport? that's a great excuse, but why can't we all use that? who's to say you are not geneticall predisposed to do everything you do? "did you just cut in front of me?" "genetic." then off you go.